The sketch color is in drawing up the project, one of the most important parts, which determine, for ninety percent of the cases, the success of the work.
From the sketch color, you decide the predominant colors of an ambient:the combination of different colors, between walls and furniture, between curtain fabrics and those of wallpaper create the right balance that allows us to live in an ambient, respecting our taste and our culture..
That’s the reason of accuracy almost as an miniaturist , with which we make our sketches: we want to portray for our customers their ideal spaces.
The value of a project lies in overcome of the space and the time, the eras and the styles to achieve a unique and personal style.
Larghevedute designs and manufactures scenic settings transforming anonymous locations in ideal spaces..
The sketches, almost always are made to order, but over the years we have a large quantity of subjects from which to draw at an early stage.
Versatiles, always open to experimentation over the years we happened to paint on many materials, excellence is given by teachers set designers from the extraordinary hand and from the softness of the gouache technique used full of transparencies and glazes..